Picture of Interior of Hagia Sophia, Turkey

Interior of Hagia Sophia, Turkey

The Pierre de Gigord Collection of Photographs is a collection of the late Ottoman Empire and the early Republic of Turkey. This collection, consisting of over 6,000 photographic images, captures the cultural and urban aspects of Constantinople, the Balkans, and other cities and towns within the empire, including Bursa, Smyrna, and even sites in Greece, Egypt, Jerusalem, India, and China. One of the stunning images from the collection is "Lot PP16: [Interior of St. Sophie], 1900," captured using the autochrome form of photography. This image provides a glimpse into the architectural marvel of the Hagia Sophia and gives a rare view of the interior of the iconic building.

Source Url: https://primo.getty.edu/primo-explore/fulldisplay?vid=GRI-OCP&docid=GETTY_OCPFL2355039&context=L&tab=all_gri&lang=en_US
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