Picture of Boy in front of camel statue in China

Boy in front of camel statue in China

This is an autochrome, a type of color photograph on glass, made by Stephane Passet in 1913. He captured a scene in Changping, China, where a boy stands in front of a statue of a camel at Ming Shisanling, a complex of imperial tombs. The colors are composed of tiny grains of potato starch dyed in different hues which renders an accurate depiction of what the photographer saw that day.

Source Url: https://collections.albert-kahn.hauts-de-seine.fr/document/changping-chine-ming-shisanling-treize-tombeaux-des-ming/617a7a3fcf8b8968b3369ef0?favourite=1932&pos=5&pgn=0
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